FDPL welcomes donations to further our mission to provide all patrons with fair and equal access to a wide variety of materials, programs, and services. We partner with the Fort Dodge Public Library Foundation and the Friends of the Fort Dodge Public Library to ensure individuals have a variety of opportunities and options for supporting the Library. Please review our Gifts and Donations Policy.
Monetary Donations
A monetary gift to the Library for a friend or loved one is a unique and meaningful way to honor or remember that person. Library staff take great care in selecting items and when possible, will honor requests for specific titles or materials in special areas or formats if they meet our selection criteria. A gift or memorial plate will be placed on the item in honor of the recipient acknowledging your gift.
When you make a donation in honor of someone special, FDPL will send a letter to the recipient or their family of your gift. We will also send you a thank you acknowledging your gift, which can be used as a tax receipt.
To donate a monetary gift, print and fill out the gift & memorial form.
Checks should be made out to “Fort Dodge Public Library”. Bring the completed form and your check or cash donation to any Library service desk or mail it to:
Fort Dodge Public Library
Attn: Library Director
424 Central Ave
Fort Dodge, IA 50501